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3rd EAGE Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

1st November 2015 - 4th November 2015
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Naturally fractured reservoirs contain a major part of the world’s remaining hydrocarbon reserves, but their successful characterisation and development remains very challenging. Difficulties when characterising naturally fractured reservoirs are encountered across the entire G&G domain and include, but are not limited to, developing conceptual models for fracture formation, using appropriate seismic attributes, obtaining 3D fracture statistics from well logs, selecting adequate outcrop analogues, or building representative models for the rock matrix. These characterisation challenges manifest themselves as first-order uncertainties in the static geological model. Additional uncertainties arise when translating the static model into a dynamic reservoir simulation model. These uncertainties can include upscaling the fracture network to compute grid-based effective permeabilities, selecting the appropriate model concept for reservoir simulation (e.g. single-porosity modelling vs. dual-porosity or dual-permeability), or including geomechanical processes during production. Considering the wide range of uncertainties in both, the static and dynamic model, it is pertinent to calibrate models for naturally fractured reservoirs with static and dynamic data such that the models can be used to reliably support reservoir development decisions. This workshop will focus on the static and dynamic calibration of fractured reservoir models to reduce model uncertainty. The aim of this workshop is to introduce a variety of case studies from geophysics, geology, and reservoir engineering to discuss what needs to be done to increase our ability to build well-calibrated, and hence reliable, static and dynamic models for naturally fractured reservoirs. These examples are intended to support the existing and emerging calibration techniques presented, review appropriate data sets, outline lessons learnt, and define best practices for model calibration. The workshop will therefore provide an overview of the current state of the art and indicate areas for future improvement. In this context, the workshop will also try to translate academic research in the relevant fields to industry applications and ensure that information and insights from independent studies can be placed into a relevant framework or global context.

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